
Holiday Service

Bus Service Effective February 13-22, 2025

Sun Metro recognizes that for many in our community, public transit is their primary or only means of transportation. In response to the fire at our Transit Operations Center, we have been evaluating operations to determine how to best serve riders while managing available resources. To better support the community, we are making the following modifications to key routes to connect customers to their destinations:

Regular Sunday service starts Sunday, February 23, and Monday, February 24, 2025, Sun Metro will introduce a Modified Weekday and Saturday Schedule, gradually increasing service levels:

Visit the Modifications page for details. Please continue to monitor our socials for the latest. Thank you for your continued patience and support.

Some routes run on Sundays & Holidays. Below is a list of City-observed holidays and their corresponding Sun Metro bus schedule, followed by a list of which routes offer Sunday/Holiday schedules:









Routes with holiday schedules

Area Route Numbers
Airport Routes m
Downtown Circulators SC
Westside m
South Central
North Central m
Northeast 44 d
Eastside 50 53 59 m
Mission Valley 60 65 89 a
Express/Special 59 a d m m
County/New Mexico 50

Routes without holiday schedules

Area Route Numbers
Airport Routes 33
Downtown Circulators 4
Westside 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 90
South Central 21 24 25 26
North Central 32 33 34 35 36
Northeast 7 35 43 46 90
Eastside 7 51 52 54 56 58 68 72 74 90
Mission Valley 7 61 62 63 66 67 68 69 86
Express/Special 2 5 6 7 8 90
County/New Mexico 10 20 30 31 40 GR