
Service Modifications

As part of Sun Metro's continuous evaluation of ridership patterns designed to boost operational efficiencies, the following service modifications are effective beginning Sunday, October 6, 2024. Please see below for more details.

Route 7 Northeast/Mission Valley - MODIFIED

Schedule change weekdays. Cambio de horario lunes a viernes.

Current Route 7

Route 19 Resler Circulator - MODIFIED

Minor route change, running through South Desert rather than Southwestern. Cambio de ruta menor, pasando por South Desert en vez de Southwestern.

Current Route 19

Route 32 Five Points/Piedras/Ft. Bliss - MODIFIED

Minor route change around Cassidy & Sheridan. Cambio de ruta menor cerca de Cassidy y Sheridan.

Current Route 32

Route 58 Montana/Turner - MODIFIED

Minor route change, now using Montana Expressway. Cambio de ruta menor, utilizando el autopista Montana.

Current Route 58